Bashar Alazzam, Manual Osteopath

London and Strathroy

Bashar is a former physician. He practiced medicine overseas for over 10 years in areas of Anesthesiology and Intensive care. He received multiple awards in these fields from few organizations and associations such as the AMA.

Bashar was involved in many orthopaedic surgeries beside treating Motor vehicle accident patients. He has found a deep interest in manual medicine and decided to complement his knowledge by attending Osteopathy college in Toronto. He earned the title of Manual Osteopath (DOMP) in 2016.

He has a holistic approach to health conditions. Many patients have recovered from some chronic conditions such as headaches and low back pain.

Osteopathy can help with:

  • Reducing pain and stiffness in muscles and joints

  • Increasing the range of motions

  • Relieving chronic pain through non-invasive treatment

  • Reducing tension and tightness

  • Relieving tension and migraine headaches

  • Treating trauma resulting from accidents (Sport injuries, Motor vehicle injuries)

  • Managing pain resulting from poor posture or spinal disc injuries

Aside from treating patients and allowing them to feel their best, Bashar also enjoys music. He can play two wind instruments: the Tuba and Trombone. He looks forward to providing this drug-free-non-invasive manual medicine within the Active Health Group.